Assembly videos


Duration: 1m50s

Prerequisites and making sure the kit is complete

Duration: 5m44s

Learning to solder by putting 40 capacitors on the PCB

Step 1 in the assembly manual

Duration: 10m26s

Building the power circuitry

Step 2 in the assembly manual

Duration: 11m48s

Building the clock circuitry

Step 3 in the assembly manual

Duration: 8m22s

Soldering in all TTL ICs

Step 4 in the assembly manual

Duration: 8m09s

Solder in the LEDs

Step 5 in the assembly manual

Duration: 4m47s

Building the instruction and address decoders

Step 6 in the assembly manual

Duration: 4m19s

Inserting RAM and ROM

Step 7 in the assembly manual

Duration: 3m38s

Adding the sound output

Step 8 in the assembly manual

Duration: 2m45s

Adding the game controller input

Step 9 in the assembly manual

Duration: 1m56s

Adding the VGA output

Step 10 in the assembly manual

Duration: 1m55s

Putting the Gigatron in its case, hooking it up and using it

Step 11 and 12 in the assembly manual

Duration: 7m26s